Your hydraulic system requires you to pay attention to it. Most hydraulic systems have a uniformity of design to them. That makes it easier to inspect certain parts and take note of anything out of the ordinary. Here's how you can help to maintain your hydraulic system and spot trouble early.
Familiarize Yourself with the Common Parts of Your Hydraulic System
Large or small, your hydraulic system will have these components:
These things all work together to keep your hydraulic system moving. A problem with one of these components will invariably lead to problems with the others. The hoses will most likely wear before anything else. Just by taking care of them, you take care of the entire hydraulic system.
Look and Listen for Issues with Your Hydraulic System
Some basic, non-intensive maintenance can help keep your hydraulic system running as it should. Most hydraulic systems require you to replace the hydraulic fluid and filters on a schedule. Other than that, you should look and listen for any issues.
What to listen for
Listen for your hydraulic system making any noise out of the ordinary. If you hear a rattling noise or bubbling noise, you should check if you have adequate fluid in the reservoir. Noises can also mean you have a hydraulic fluid leak somewhere.
What to look for
A visual inspection can tell you a lot about the health of your hydraulic system. Replace lines or hoses that look anything other than smooth. You don't want even a minimal amount of wear on any of your hoses if you can avoid it. If any line is leaking, you must replace it.
Make sure to look at any cylinder seals, rings, and valves. Just as with hoses, if you find any damage, you should replace the damaged part. By inspecting and replacing these smaller components, you protect and preserve the whole system.
You can do a lot on your own, but you'll have to research the manufacturer's instructions for your particular system. If you don't know how to change a hose or swap a fitting, then you shouldn't attempt to do so.
Hire Professional Hydraulic Repair Service
If you have any issues or questions, you should speak to a professional hydraulic repair service. Hydraulic systems require expertise. You should only deal with a group that specializes in hydraulic system engineering services. A professional service can also help you figure out what parts of maintaining your system you can do on your own going forward.